KLANG, KERFAZZ, SPROINK, you LOVE these sounds. And so you should. In fact, you want more right? Then let me tantalise your ear-buzz-taste-buds with the news that the most ferocious sound in indie right now will be leaping onto a stage in Bedford soon…E S T R O N S
Give us a fact you say.. ok, in Welsh, Estrons means ALIENS.
Every year Clubs ROAR and BISCUIT have tried to find an act who are so fuggin amazingly great that they will split opinions left, right and centre yet still go on to great things. In 2013 we gave you Public Service Broadcasting, in 2014, Fat White Family and Sleaford Mods with Ezra Furman in 2015. We have a rep to protect, 2016 is here and so are E S T R O N S.
After all that excitement, heres some blurb we nicked from Gigwise…
Estrons write songs that revolve around the topics of dominance, belonging and self doubt. They’re a band that truly capture the political-punk Riot Grrrl spirit with the vigour that will inspire generations of bands in the future, driven by the same ideals and passion for making incredible music.
Last year, singer Taliesyn gave birth to her son Björn and toured Wales within a month of his birth. The band’s video for ‘Aliens’ whipped up a bit of attention, as it features Taliesyn breast feeding. It’s a statement-making video that showcases the band’s ability to deal with all subject matter without batting an eye and with humourous defiance.
Support comes from the rather excellent PEARL HARTS and NEAR MOMENTS.
Another FACT >>>>
E S T R O N S have been picked by the PRS & 6Music as one of six bands to appear at SSW. Thats it now, i’m fed up of spacing the word E S T…