Wendy James aint someone easily forgotten, the Bardot-punk styling alligned to Nikon-bait poses and fierce ambition was too much of a pill to swallow for the very male dominated press troupe, but this is about the music…. For those of us on the planet long enough to remember the halcyon days where Top of the Pops and the Chart Show were our best chances of gaining visuals to go alongside the “hits” that poured out of the radio, you may remember her first band Transvision Vamp. Sure it was WJ rather than TV that bought instant attention, however, there was more going on here than a pout and a mini-skirt.
Miley Cyrus likes her apparently, we’ll put her on the guest list.
New album ’The Price Of The Ticket’ features an impressive cast list of luminaries (Lenny Kaye (Patti Smith band), Glen Matlock (Sex Pistols), James Williamson (Stooges) and Jim Sclavunos (Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds). You can grab a copy here https://wendyjames.pmstores.co
Her setlist will include some songs from this album, some choice cuts from previous solo work and some favorites from Transvision Vamp.
Support to be announced